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Update: February 14th 2019 we had a BIG game between Adam Scarati Rock Belanger & Joe Ferreri. Adam may have lost the game, but still came out a winner as he will be donating $500 to Easter Seals. They showed great sportsmanship and humility all for a good cause!!...

History The earliest known New Year celebrations were in Mesopotamia and date back to 2000 BC. The early Romans used March 1 as New Year's Day. Other cultures used the autumn equinox or the winter solstice to mark the new year. 1582 - The Gregorian calendar, which marks...

Christmas lights have come a long way since their inception in the 17th century. They are a Christmas tradition that has strongly withstood time; outdoor Christmas light displays on houses stemmed from the trend of lighting up Christmas trees during the Christmas season.  Outdoor Christmas light...

Do you know what vital information to have on hand in the event of a natural disaster or family emergency? When an unexpected situation arises, there's no time to sort through paperwork, no matter how essential it may be. Having everything you need in an...

It’s easy to get swayed when a real estate agent starts talking about money. But here are some reasons why you should look beyond the quote they give you.  As soon as you put your home up for sale, real estate agents will start calling you...